Lessons You Might Learn While Investing In ELSS Mutual Funds!

Many investors have been investing in ELSS funds, some of them also shared many positive things that they learned about ELSS mutual fund while investing in these funds. They say, “Investing in ELSS is like a practical lesson that one learns only while investing in ELSS and not just by talking about them with experts or by reading about them.”

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Ever Thought of Semi-Retirement Instead of Early Retirement!

Instead of retiring early have you ever thought of semi-retiring. Semi-retiring means working part-time or intermittently during the time of retirement to cover your daily expenses while letting your retirement kitty grow.

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Are You A Freelancer? Know How To Calculate Your Tax Payable!

Our work culture is changing. At many places and in many offices, employees are working from their home, in the context to save themselves from the COVID-19, people are avoiding crowded places like office. Many people who lost their job, have now started a kind of freelancing so they can continue their work from home.

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How Many Funds In The Same Asset, Can Be Too Many?

Diversification helps to spread risk so that if one fund is underperforming another may contribute positively. However, having too many funds can damage your returns. The risk of having too many underperformers at a point in time and duplication of style means that your diversification strategy is not beneficial to your portfolio, and hence not for your returns.

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The market trend or better say fluctuations, shown in the last few months, clarifies the nonlinear feature of the market. Many investors quit or back out from their long-term investments, after the sharp correction, but the market’s current uptrend also establishes the fact that patience in the market is what gets rewarded rather than panic.

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Do You Know About Joint Hold Investing In Mutual Funds?

While investing in mutual funds, you can do it with a joint investing account. Investing under a joint name is considered convenient by many to avoid the legal hassles and delays caused for establishing successions.

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Are You Chasing A Sector Fund, Is It Worth Investing In It?

Many investors, for there long-term investment choose sector or thematic funds, instead of large-cap equity diversified funds, as they get attracted by the high returns offered by these funds. The question that struck your investment planning in Sector and Thematic funds is, do these funds high returns is a strong reason to invest? Are these funds consistent with their returns?

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Fall Under High Tax Bracket? Beware of This Nuances in Investment Allocation!

If you are an earner that you are liable to pay tax, this is your basic duty, which is necessary and cannot be escaped. But it does have one advantage, calculating your taxes to be paid, leads you to search about the investment that can help you save tax. Also, it leads you to explore tax saving instruments that give you the benefit of wealth creation along with tax efficiency.

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When we plan to invest, we make many compromises, sometimes with our needs, sometimes with our wants, this is because what we save is not enough for all our financial goals. However, no matter which goal we are investing for, here are three things you shouldn’t compromise on:

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Mistakes You Must Avoid In The Race To Save Tax!

While planning your tax, think first about wealth creation, and then make a wiser choice. Plan your tax so well, that it does both for you, save tax and contribute big to your overall corpus.

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