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Open-Ended Mutual Fund Vs. Close-Ended Mutual Fund: What to Prefer?

At the time, people plan their investment in mutual fund, they do get confused what to choose between Open-ended Mutual Funds and Close-ended Mutual Funds. Well. If you are also confused, then relax, today we are going to discuss, what are these Open-ended Mutual Funds and Close-ended Mutual Funds, what are the differences between them, and which fund should be preferred for one’s investment.

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Financial Planning: Millennials vs. Older Generations.

Not only living standards, but millennials do have a difference in their financial planning than the older generations, some differences are good while, some differences need to learn and correct as per the older generations. Let us have a detailed look at the differences, in the financial planning of Millennials and Older Generations, and what millennials need to learn from Older generations.

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Magic of Compounding: Know What Is 15*15*15 Rule in Mutual Funds?

There are two famous rules in mutual funds, rule number one, 15*15*15 and rule number two, 15*15*30, these rules help an investor of mutual fund to accumulate a corpus in crores for their goals. It is said, these two rules are magic of compound interest, well, let us what is the power of compound interest, what are its rules and how do they work.

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How to Protect Your Savings from Yourself?

Impulsive shopping, going for movies, hanging out with friends, dining in expensive restaurants, and many more are extra expenses that one does nowadays and has kind of become a habit. To fill these extra expenses, people spend their savings and ultimately are left with 0 balance in their bank account at the end of the month, this means, they saved nothing.

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Why to Choose, Pause A SIP, Instead to Cancel It?

There are investors who get unstable when their funds start giving negative returns and decide to stop their SIP installments, also when people fail to arrange the monthly SIP, due to some emergencies, they decide to stop their SIP, although it is always advised to investors if you are unable to pay the SIP installment for one or two month or more, don’t decide to stop your SIP, rather you may pause your SIP for one or two month, and then again resume it after that period, and let your investment continues to grow.

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Save Money on Your Utility Bills Through Simple Tactics.

You cannot avoid the expenses of these basic utilities, and we are all aware that these utilities demand a high expenditure from your pocket, however by spending smartly, we can avoid the excess expense, rather say we can save money on our utility bills, through simple and smart tactics. Let us have a look at how we can do this.

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US-Iran Tension: How to Structure Your Portfolio to Deal with The Worst?

This continuous events of down and rise experienced by Nifty, results in high volatility in Equity Mutual funds, but the question is, what should be the next step of investors? How should they react? What should they do to save their portfolio from this volatility? Let us know everything in detail.

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Why Equity Fund Is Best Suitable for Long-Term Goals?

Equity Mutual funds are considered a best suitable investment structure for investors long-term goals, in fact, ELSS (Equity Linked Saving Scheme) Equity mutual fund, not only helps to create a good corpus, rather you can also save tax on your returns when you invest in ELSS equity mutual fund, but the question is how Equity Mutual fund works for long-term investors, and help them earn big for their long-term goals?

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How Debt Funds in Portfolio Help Equity Investments to Grow?

Selling anything worth crores, for the need of lakhs or thousands, is worse idea ever, then how can it be a good option to sell your Long-term, equity investments, for your short-term in needs. Its also a worse idea to sell your Equity funds, just because market is showing a large scale fluctuation, rather it is always advised to sell or redeem your equity investments, only when you ensure that the reason for which you are taking out the money is that your financial goal, for which you are investing is near.

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Strategies to Manage Volatility When investing for Long-Term Goals.

Well, we already know that market is not consistent, it fluctuates, and in short-term it, effects are seen more, so basically, investor who invest in Equity mutual funds, that is for long-term, need to stay calm, through periods of volatility, in fact, they should follow some basic strategies that would help them to get stuck to their long-term investment objective, amidst of the volatility of the market. If you are also an equity investor and is unable to handle the effects that market volatility creates, then here are four strategies you can follow so that volatility doesn’t come in the way of your long-term goals.

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