Registered With AMFI: Yes - ARN 30061 From 05-Aug-2005 Valid Till 12-Dec-2025

What Are International Mutual Funds?

International Funds are kind of funds that invest in firms or companies of other countries or companies outside the investor’s native country. Like for example, in the case of India, it would be funds that invest in the equities of companies that are outside India. These funds are also popular as Overseas Funds or Foreign Funds.

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How to Avail Loan Against Mutual Funds?

Are you aware of the fact that your mutual fund units, do not only generate returns for you, but you can also, use them as collateral for availing a loan? Well, if you aren’t aware of this, then you should learn about how to avail loan against your mutual fund units, and what are the benefits of this. Read this blog and get to know everything about Loan Against Mutual Funds.

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Five Top Performing Mutual Fund Of 2019.

Today through our blog, we are going to discuss the top five performing mutual funds, that you can consider starting your investment with.

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Know Everything About NFO (New Fund Offer)!

New Fund Offer or NFO is the term used to denote, a new mutual fund scheme introduced or launched by a fund house, which helps the fund house to raise capital for purchasing securities. NFO’s functions on the policy of first-come, first-serve basis, hence investor has a limited time period to invest in an NFO.

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What Is Mutual Fund NAV (Net Asset Value)?

NAV or Net Asset Value can simply be said as the market value of a mutual fund unit, or the price at which the investor buys the unit of a mutual fund scheme. It may also be the price at which an investor would sell their unit. The overall cost or price of a mutual fund scheme is calculated based on this market value per fund unit.

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क्या आप निवेशकर्ता है! अपने निवेश में इन आम गलतियों को करने से बचे|

निवेशकर्ता अक्सर, म्यूच्यूअल फण्ड निवेश में किये गए मुनाफे की गणना से आकर्षित हो जाते है, और अपना निवेश शुरू कर देते है| निवेशकर्ता, म्यूच्यूअल फण्ड निवेश से जुडी अन्य ज़रूरी जानकारियों और निवेश से जुड़े जोखिमों के बारे में जानने की कोशिश भी नहीं करते है| यहां तक की वे ये भी भूल जाते है की निवेश में मुनाफे की गणना, केवल उदहारण मात्र है, और निवेश में ठीक ऐसा ही मुनाफा मिले, ये निश्चित नहीं है|

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Five Mutual Fund Lessons for DIY Investors

It is said by many, to start your investment in mutual funds, you need to be an expert in market knowledge, but I say, you need not graduate yourself in mutual funds, before starting your investment. If you are a mutual fund investor and you are having some kind of doubt with your funds, take some extra interest and brush up your knowledge about mutual funds.

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How Debt Mutual Funds are better than Fixed Deposits?

Fixed deposits have been a major choice of conservative investors for their investment, over a generation, because of its risk-free nature, and guaranteed return yielding feature. It has been a part of every person's investments plan, over decades, but recently, Fixed Deposits, has witnessed a slow but marked transition to debt funds.

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How to select the best Mutual Fund?

Selecting a mutual fund investment by getting affectionate with its returns is not the only measure you should follow. Being a smart investor, you must go through various stages or processes to select the appropriate mutual fund scheme for yourself....investor must follow various steps before picking up the best mutual fund scheme.

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How is tax calculated in Mutual Funds?

The short-term capital gains (STCG) on redemption of equity fund units are taxable at the rate of 15%. The long-term capital gains (LTCG) on equity fund up to Rs 1 lakh is tax-free. However, LTCG on equity fund redemption in excess of Rs 1 lakh is taxable at the rate of 10%.

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