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Money lessons a child should be taught

As a parent, we want best for our children so making them learn money habits so that they can save more and keep their spending’s in check is our responsibility.

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How to be prepared for Financial instability in life?

Problems in life are inevitable and as they occur, we are left with no option other than facing it, getting through it, and solving it. These problems come with a price that you are forced to pay. And for those with minimal and no savings its red alert. For these moments of life, you need to be prepared and prepare an emergency fund or rather say have some savings.

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बेहतर क्या है- सिप निवेश या एकमुश्त निवेश?

जब कोई निवेशकर्ता, अपने म्यूच्यूअल फण्ड निवेश की शुरुवात करते है, शुरू में उनके समक्ष दो विकल्प पेश किये जाते है, पहला जिसमे उन्हें अपने निवेश को शुरू करने के लिए एकमुश्त राशि जमा करना होता है, और दूसरा जहाँ उन्हें अपने निवेश को शुरू करने के लिए सिप (SIP) के प्रावधान की सुविधा दी जाती है|

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How coming of a child impacts your finance?

Before planning a baby, a couple needs to prepare themselves from all the aspects like, mentally, physically and financially. The couple really needs to estimate their budget, while planning for their baby. While budgeting for the baby, the couple needs to plan their leave from the office, along with that financial plan for the house during the leave.

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म्यूच्यूअल फण्ड निवेश से जुड़े जोखिम!

जोखिम और म्यूच्यूअल फण्ड निवेश, रेल ट्रैक की दो पटरियों की तरह है, जो हमेशा एक साथ चलते है, एक न हो तो दूसरे की अहमियत भी कम हो जाती है, इसका मतलब हम निवेश और जोखिम की अलग-अलग कल्पना नहीं कर सकते| क्या आप जानते है, निवेश की भाषा में कहा जाता है- जितना ज़्यादा जोखिम, उतना ज़्यादा मुनाफा|

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What is Total Expense Ratio (TER)?

TER or Total Expense Ratio, also known as Net Expense Ratio, is defined as a kind of operational costs on mutual funds, charged by the AMC (Asset Management Company), to the investors. These charges are applicable to both Regular Plan of Mutual funds and Direct plan of Mutual funds.

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Difference between Saving and Investing!

Well, in short, if I say, savings can be considered a box where, people store their money, but not let them grow, whereas, investment is a kind of job, where your money works for you, grow for you and earns benefit for you.

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Education is the most expensive expense now and will be tomorrow, be ready for it.

The increasing competition in the education sector has been increasing the worth of best education, in a vast mode. Right from the primary to secondary to higher education, the increasing fee structure and costs related to education are making it difficult for the parents to withstand these costs.

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KYC, the Start of Investing!

KYC or Know Your Customer, is a kind verification process carried out by financial institutes, banks and others, in order to authenticate the identity and address of an investor, who is going to start their very first investment, through any of the investment ways, like mutual funds, fixed deposits, bank accounts, etc.

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What Are Money Market Funds?

Money Market Mutual funds are another type of Mutual Funds, also popular as Income Mutual Funds, that mainly invest in short-term debt instruments (specifically in Liquid Debt Funds), with short maturity periods and minimal credit risk. These funds give its investors, reasonable returns along with good liquidity of one year. These funds are mainly featured for achieving the short term and very short-term requirements of its investors.

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