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Top Liquid Mutual Funds To Plan For Short-Term In April 2022!!

In short, liquid funds are the best option for those investors, who are looking for a short-term investment, to park their idle cash, and earn some benefits.

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Best Five Flexi-Cap Funds To Plan Investing In April 2022!

The asset allocation strategy of Flexi-cap mutual funds is much more flexible than that of multi-cap mutual funds. Unlike multi-cap equity funds, the fund managers of Flexi-cap funds can reduce their exposure to mid and small-cap stocks to zero.

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Top Hybrid Mutual Funds To Plan Investing In April 2022!

Hybrid funds approach raising wealth appreciation, in the long run, and focus to generate income in the short-term, through a balanced portfolio.

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Top ELSS Mutual Funds To Plan For Tax-Saving In April 2022!

ELSS or Equity Linked Saving Schemes, are Equity mutual fund schemes, made specifically, for those investors who want to generate wealth through investment and at the same time also want tax-saving returns.

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Know Everything About Deductibles In Health Insurance!

A deductible is an amount that a policyholder has to pay before the insurance company starts paying up. In other words, the insurance company is liable to pay the claim amount only when it exceeds the deductible.

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Top Debt Mutual Funds To Plan Investing In April 2022!

Debt Funds are taken as the best tool for generating regular income with low risk. Also, investors investing in debt funds can anytime withdraw the required money from their debt investment.

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Top Equity Funds To Plan For Long-Term In April 2022!

For wealth creation or for goals that are far apart say 5-10 years away to achieve, experts suggest investing in Equity mutual funds. These funds invest in stocks and shares of different companies and tend to generate good returns in long term.

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How To Read A Mutual fund Factsheet?

A Mutual Fund Factsheet is an essential document that is prepared or designed in a way that it gives an overview of mutual fund schemes and their performance. This factsheet is a great help when it comes to the analysis of any mutual fund scheme.

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Top Mutual Fund Schemes To Invest In April 2022!

Experts say every time is the best time to start your investment in mutual funds when you invest via SIP. In fact, with SIP in mutual funds, experts say, The Early You Start, The Long You Carry, The Big You Create!

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Are You Financially Ready To Buy A House?

Financial experts say, buying a house is a big decision, it should be a more calculative decision instead of an emotional decision! It cannot be taken instantly, but before buying a house you need to analyze, Are You are Financially Ready To Buy A House?

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