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Mutual Fund Investment Exemplified

Mutual Fund Investment, you can consider is a financial structure where multiple investors, whether individual or community or any institution invests their money in a collective manner which is used to buy securities such as bonds, stocks, and other assets. This whole financial Structure is managed by professional and certified Mutual Fund companies (Asset Management Companies).

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Why to choose an Investment Planner for your investment?

Investment planner, first analyses investor’s investment objective, their risk appetite, their time horizon for investment, and then picks up the best mutual fund scheme for an investor to invest in and earn a good return.

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This Diwali choose wisely “Investment or Spending”

This Diwali, think out of the box, think Zara hat ke, add something more to your shopping cart, but something different, no commodity, but do an investment!

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This Dhanteras buy ‘GOLD’ Smartly!

Dhanteras is marked as the day of wealth and prosperity so buying gold/ silver coins, ornaments are considered as auspicious. Though buying physical gold has its own set of disadvantages like mostly it is bought for personal use with high making charges which does not put it under investment because the yield is low, other than that storage hassles, security, etc. makes it not a good option to invest in gold. So, this dhanteras be wise and don’t just buy gold, invest in gold....

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Want to retire early? Know how?

Well, why to work after the age of retirement when you can retire early from the specified age! Yes, investment in a mutual fund, don’t save money for you, rather it lets your invested money to earn for you, and generate a good return, that is enough to tackle your future goals, till you attain your retirement.

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Common Myths Related to Mutual Funds

Amidst the increasing rate of investment in this segment, there still lies a few myths related to mutual fund investment. We are discussing some here.

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Any Dream? Rather than taking Loan, Invest

If I simply define, investing is earning with interest and taking loans is paying with interest! Loans create a burden on you of repayment including the interest rate while investment builds wealth for you including the interest rate.

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What is CAGR?

CAGR is mainly related to the rate of returns in investment, or simply I would say that it is the rate of return responsible for the growth of investment, right from its beginning balance to ending balance.

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Steps to start investing in mutual funds

Well, do you know you can start your investment in the mutual fund via both mediums, either online or offline, its completely your choice, but if you are a beginner, in my view, offline mode will be more convenient for you.

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I am just 25, started earning, should I plan to save?

Saving or investment is not restricted to any age bar. It is practiced to attain future goals. It doesn’t matter whether you are 25 or 45, plan to save money, in fact why to plan, save you money through investment and let your money earn for you.

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